I say... Love is the key to understanding everything. Love sustains everything in the Universe. Although it is not seen, Love is the pulsating «spring» of life of all that exists and has being. Love is the «force» that underlies all other forces in the Universe; it is unseen, but it is reflected in all that exists. Love is «pink»! (The Letters of Salem, Intro)
In the beginning... there was a «Fortress» and a «village», but until «that day» there was nothing. In the «first day» there was only a white light, then from the Mountain of the Fortress a «river» began to flow, it was a «river» of special «water», the basic «substance» of all that was later built.
When in the «Fortress» the Feast of Renewal had begun and the time had come to build the second Jubilee Planet – for every fiftieth planet was a Jubilee Planet – that was the moment when «Love» planted a garden in the «village»... in the beginning.
Although the «village» had not suffered a single drop of the ill consequences of the war that had suddenly broken out on a feast day in the «Fortress», yet one day in the garden planted by «Love» there was a misfortune... it was an act of magic.
When a famine drove away the princes whose parents had been stewards in the «garden of Love», they, led by «Love», became slaves in a foreign land far from the land that «Love» had given to them... and were slaves for a long time.
The king of the «Fortress» himself was touched by their suffering and hardship. At the right moment he left the «Fortress», descended into the «village» enslaved by magic... dressed as a slave he mingled among those who had been enslaved, offering deliverance.
Although the king had come up with the solution for deliverance from slavery, his actions were not understood... on the contrary, they were twisted especially by the authorities just to maintain slavery as long as possible, because the slavery of the multitude was to the advantage of the higher-ups.
When the king saw the attitude of the authorities, he was very angry because these leaders were holding back the solution of the chance of deliverance... then the king secretly adopted a slave and gave him the authority to deliver everyone from the magic of the lie.
At the end, when the prince adopted will have exposed the lies and false authority of the leaders over the slaves, the king himself with all his armies will come again from the «Fortress» to do righteousness and to destroy with hail and fire the liars.
Elias EvenParadise is to be conquered boldly, and those who dare seize it.
Mankind's biggest problem is that no one tells the world with conviction that we have a soul to gain or to lose, and that we have a Paradise to conquer. It was once said: it is useless to gain the whole world if you lose your soul... or it doesn't matter if you've got nothing, but you've conquered Paradise.
E-mail: eliaseven@gmail.comTweets by @Elia7even